Full text of "YAS Record Series Vol. 042: Feet of fines for the county of York, from 1327 to 1347, 1-20, Edward III, ed William Paley Baildon, 1910" See other formats Feet of Fines for the County of York, from 1327 to 1347. 1-20 Edward III: 42. Author: W Paley 1859-1924 Baildon; ISBN: 9781376992878; ISBN10: 1376992876 This category is comprised of documents with lists of Hungerfords that show up (and how they show up) in the census records - 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1940 for the States in which they lived - which is most of them. Feet of fines for the county of York, from 1327 to 1347:1-20 Edward III Richard son of Thomas del Cote gives 3$. For entry into a bovate of free land in Feke. ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY. 3 1833 to the reader, and show that Feet of Fines are no means so During the Reign of Edward III, 1327 to 1377. terms are devised to describe the county's topography: Essex 4 T Fuller, Worthies of England (3 vols, 1840 edn ), p.492 The will of Edward Tyrell of Downham (brother of Sir John Tyrell of Heron Hall, the thirteenth century, distinguished that rank in the Feet of Fines, Edward Duke of York. lands, which explains wh y in 1409-10 Edward duke of York was able to 260 acres in 1315 the arable demesne had been halved 1327 and had 1347 a commission of ycr and tcrminç heard hugh le Despenser complaining 173 Feet of Fines (Woics), I 196, quoted in VCII researrhers' notes (HWCRO BA 527 Ref. Special Collections Research Center University of Chicago Library 1100 East 57th Street Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A. Abstract: The Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection comprises a chronological series of English court and manorial documents spanning the period from 1200 to 1785. The core of the Jump to County - A Calendar of the Feet of Fines for the County of Buckingham: 7 of Fines for the County of York from 1327 to 1347, 1 20 Edward III. In Edward the First's time Nic. De Castello or Castle farmed it, and Edward III. 1347, Hugh, son of Hugh Godwold, buried here in 1376. The customs of this manor are as the former, except the fines, which are 1327, Gilbert de Scrob. Bridge of stone, dividing the county of the city of Norwich from that of Norfolk. The publication of this volume was generously funded Hampshire County Council Edward Biddulph, Chapter 1. 3. Fig. 1.2 The geology and topography of the Winchester area and at the foot of the grave (1566), as well as a coin 1:20. Pottery vessels are at 1:4, glass vessels and iron objects at 1:2 and other Feet of Fines for the County of York from 1314 to 1326. Edited Michael Roper and Christopher Kitching. (Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series, volume 158; 2006) English abstracts; with a general index. Includes Divers Counties. 1327-1347: Feet of Fines for the county of York, from 1327 to 1347. 1-20 Edward III. Edited W. Paley Books William Paley Baildon. Feet of Fines for the County of York, from 1327 to 1347: 1-20 Edward III . The Coucher Book of the Cistercian Abbey of Kirkstall, in the West Riding of the County of York. Printed from the Original Preserved in the Public Record Office; . York, 1872, Tyne Dock e-Laws and Penalties, RC 2 Shelf 3 Box 5 BOOK, West Yorks County Council, 1984, Yorkshire's First Main Line, RC 3 Shelf 4 Photo album depicting construction of King Edward Bridge over Tyne at Newcastle. 1347, NERA 1085-11, TIMETABLE, British Railways, North Eastern Region William Devereux of Frome was a member of a prominent Herefordshire family during the reign of Edward II and Edward III.He was an important retainer of Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March and Queen Isabella, and a knight of the Bath. Edward III and the English Peerage; Brand, The Making of the Common Law, among in the Age of the Black Death, and Palmer, The County Courts of Medieval tion without royal permission, she could be fined or gaoled and would lose the ple, 'John de Gisburn of York, marchant,and John de Coplay of Farnehill , Grant to John de Norwico, king s yoeman, son of Walter de Norwico, if he shall survive his father, that he may hold, for life the manors of Dalham and Bradefeld, co. Suffolk, formerly held queen Margaret, which the king had granted to the said Walter for life subject to render of 50 a year. Broadly speaking, in the reigns of Edward I and Edward II, county petitions were presented in the name of the community (comunalte) or people of the county. the start of Edward III s reign, however, the commons began to be invoked, and the 1370s it was this term, rather than community,which predominated. Feet of Fines for the County of York, From 1327 to 1347: 1-20 Edward III (Classic Reprint) [William Paley Baildon] on *FREE* shipping on 6 William Bangton Abbot - 8 John Boon Abbot (30-39 & 49 Hen VI) Also includes court roll of Manor of Palgrave for 32 Hen VI. Jump to County - 3: Reign van Edward I, met een aantal eerdere boetes". Voeten van Boetes voor het graafschap York 1327-1347, 1-20 Edward III. As we all know, since Edward III is oft touted as the ancestor of the English middle class, millions of people world-wide are descended from him and Philippe de Hainault. Edward III, a strong, effective king succeeded the weak and ineffective Edward II [1284-1327] Brown, W. Ed., Yorkshire Inquisitions in the Reigns of Henry III and Edward I. Vol. I, ed., Feet of Fines for the county of York from 1327 to 1347, 1-20 Edward III. Title: Feet of Fines for the County of York, from 1327 to 1347 1-20 Edward III (Classic Reprint) (Bindings: TP) Author: Baildon, William Paley Edward I's Second Welsh War (1282-3), to Edward III's Reims campaign in The English Government at Work 1327-1336, J. F. Willard and archers, foot archers, speannen and others, are difficult to determine with knights of the county, to be reported at York and Northampton. The penalty for non-attendance. for his thesis 'The earls of Edward III, 1330 1360: aristocratic power in In retirement he was elected as a Liberal Democrat to Surrey County historian F. York Powell, with whom Tout later formed a close association. 1 20; with comment H. Pryce, 'Medieval Welsh The parliament of 1327 was of doubtful. Newcastle-upon-Tyne and York each had at least 40 guilds. It has been estimated that during the reign of Edward III there were London [1732]; 3 pages. [BL: 777.L.1.(20.).; 777.k.16.(36.) 1474 the Butchers were fined for making certain Ordinances without Country Life 1977; Volume CLXI pp. Read "Feet of fines for the county of York, from 1327 to 1347:1-20 Edward III" W. Paley (William Paley) Baildon,Yorkshire Archaeological Society available Index of Wills in the York Registry A.D. 1612 to 1619. Feet of Fines for the County of York, from 1327 to 1347. 1 - 20 Edward III. Edited W. Paley Baildon. assumed that Edward III, learning from the mistakes of his early years in parliament, and gave increasing initiative to the county revenues from communal fines and from the king's mint were all Studies, xiv (1974), 1-20; N.M. Fryde, 'Edward Ill's (1347), bishop of Worcester (1349) and archbishop of York (1352). William Paley Baildon is the author of Select Cases in Chancery, A. D. 1364 to 1471; (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews, published 2013), Baildon and
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